This article is a repost of the emailing sent on September 21 by the Shambhala Transition Task Force to the global community of Shambhala members about the Interim Board and Process Team.
Dear Worldwide Shambhala Community,
Before long, the Interim Board will replace the Kalapa Council, and have the job of keeping Shambhala afloat. And the Process Team will soon be established, and start looking into what the community needs, how best to address those needs, and articulating a long-term vision for community leadership in Shambhala.
Some people have asked about the differences between the Interim Board and the Process Team, how they will work together and, specifically, what each is being asked to do. We have made very short lists of what we are asking each one to do available on our website. We also have more detailed job descriptions on the website (Process Team, and Interim Board).
It will be important that the Process Team stays in constant conversation with the community. But we also hope that many people with connections to Shambhala will be able to participate directly in that work, and are accepting applications for Process Team members until September 22.
There were 38 applications for the Interim Board, and we expect to seat a new board within three weeks. Once the Interim Board is chosen, we will focus on the Process Team. We will have more to share with you soon about how big the Process Team will be, and how we envision it working.
The Process Team Job Description is posted here.
Thank you for your letters. We are reading your comments, suggestions, wisdom, and words of appreciation. While we are not responding to individual emails, in order to continue to answer the questions we can, we have a General FAQ. Please take a look for the questions and answers we have to date.
Finally, thank you for all you are doing to help heal and bring Shambhala forward to its next manifestation. The teachings are precious to us all. How can we ensure their longevity even in the midst of financial, ethical, and organizational crises? We can turn our attention to listening, practicing, and healing. We all have the capacity to heal ourselves, support each other with kindness, and undermine divisiveness. Through our practices and by supporting each other, we have the ability to address Shambhala’s negative habituated cultural patterns of patriarchy, power abuse, sexual harming, and social dynamics. We can bring about Shambhala as a genuine manifestation of warriorship society – society rooted in tenderness, decency, space, compassion, and magic. All of us as members of the Task Force aspire to appoint those who have taken this view and perspective to heart and will help to promote sound financial standing, strong ethics, and an organization that will foster inclusivity, be healthy, and flourish. It will take the kindness, strength, honesty, insight, and trust of the worldwide Shambhala community for these two groups to effectively do their work. Please support them.
Thank you.
The Transition Task Force will continue to keep you informed and updated about our ongoing work, discussions, and developments on our website at https://www.shambhala-transition.org until both the IB and PT have been seated. At that point we will dissolve, like the imprint of a bird in the sky.
You can contact us at [email protected]
Ani Pema Chödrön, Acharya
Arawana Hayashi, Acharya
Charlene Leung, Acharya
Suzann Duquette, Acharya
Katrin Stelzel, Treasury Council Europe, Member
Andrew Sacamano, Kasung Shastri
Sharon Owyang, Regional Director
Basia Solarz (facilitator)
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