Home / Shambhala governance / Update from the Transition Task Force

This article is a resumption of the emailing sent on August 30 by the Shambhala Transition Task Force to the global community of Shambhala members.

Dear Worldwide Shambhala Community,

We are writing to address a few key topics, each with links for more information, and to encourage you to apply, or contact those who you think would be good applicants to apply, for the Interim Board or Process Team. The Transition Task Force is extending its deadline for making appointments. The deadline for applications for the Interim Board is September 8; the deadline for applications for the Process Team is September 15.

We have heard from many people that healing is an important part of moving forward, and acknowledging the problems that are present is part of healing. While it is not the role of the task force to do this, we will encourage the Process Team to include these activities as part of their work.

Nomination and application process and timelines

We’ve received a number of applications and nominations. It is great to hear from people willing to step forward into leadership positions in this challenging time. This is a landmark moment in the history of the Shambhala sangha, and we encourage you to take a moment now to contact anyone you think would be an effective leader in one of these positions and ask them to apply.

If you wish to nominate someone, including advisors, please contact them to be sure that they are interested. You may wish to send them the link below, which is a short form, and which also asks for a CV or qualifications for either the IB or PT. We will not have time to follow up with suggested nominations. Please confirm with people you wish to nominate that they are interested. Thank you for your support with this key step.

For both the IB and PT we are looking for a broad range of applicants: younger people and older people, people from all over the world, people from diverse backgrounds and social identities, students of both Sakyongs and friends of Shambhala. In transparency, we as individuals are asking people to apply who we think will be good candidates. All candidates will go through the same defined process that will determine who will be interviewed and finally selected. If you feel inspired, but are hesitating for any reason, please reach out to us at transitiontaskforce@shambhala.org

Interim Board Application Informational Zoom Calls

We will be hosting several informational Zoom calls for applicants and people considering applying to the Interim Board. You do not need to attend if you do not wish to, this is just to address questions people might have.

Questions about the role and authority of the TTF

We are here to offer a platform for the community to nominate or apply for a position on the IB and PT. We do understand that by choosing the IB and the PT we have a role in shaping what happens, and we are earnestly trying to listen to the wisdom of the community, and invite applications from a broad range of people. The broader the range of applications, the more we will be able to reflect that wisdom in our choices, finding people who are insightful, wise, farseeing, without fixed agendas, and creative.

We would like to clarify that we have no financial or legal authority over any Shambhala organization, nor any leadership role. Our sole task is to name the Interim Board and the Process Team. For more information about this, click here.

The legal framework in which the IB will be operating

The IB will be responsible for guiding the non-profit legal entities under the Shambhala umbrella. They will be a traditional board, required to make decisions consistent with the charitable purpose of Shambhala, and to do their best to keep the organization financially solvent and able to operate. Click here for more details about this role, what the scope of responsibilities will be, and what the Sakyong’s recusal means for the IB.

More about the PT

The Process Team will hold an important part of the healing process for our community – by consulting with the entire Shambhala community and proposing how Shambhala can restructure itself and its leadership. We expect the Process Team members to bring expertise and fresh and open minds to these questions. They should fully explore what it means to manifest the vision of Shambhala and the teachings of our lineage as a worldwide organization and prototype more participatory systems that include everyone inspired by that vision. There is no pre-established time commitment for the PT as they will determine how their work will unfold. More details about the Process Team will be coming soon.

Questions about the meaning of “Lineage of Sakyongs”

We recognize that there are many ways to be loyal to the vision of Shambhala and the Shambhala lineage of Earth Protectors. Both individually and as a community we are being called to deeply contemplate this topic. The Transition Task Force is inviting people who have the required skills and will bring an open and living quality to their connection to Shambhala. We say a bit more about that here.

Timeline for applications

  • Final date for applications to the IB: Sept 8
  • Final date for application to the PT: Sept 15

The Transition Task Force will keep you informed of our ongoing work, discussions, and developments, on our website at  https://www.shambhala-transition.org,  You can contact us at transitiontaskforce@shambhala.org


Ani Pema Chödrön, Acharya

Arawana Hayashi, Acharya

Charlene Leung, Acharya

Suzann Duquette, Acharya

Katrin Stelzel, Treasury Council Europe, Member

Andrew Sacamano, Kasung Shastri

Sharon Owyang, Regional Director

Basia Solarz (facilitator)

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