Dear Shambhala Community,
The Shambhala Process Team (PT) is about halfway through the online Theory U course we described in our previous letters. It is an exciting time, with an estimated 400 Shambhala practitioners worldwide joining in to cultivate a path forward as a global community. We are gaining a greater understanding of how the methodology works and sensing together – as individuals, small “coaching circles,” and “hubs” – its relevance for guiding the Shambhala sangha.
Anyone participating in the current u.lab course can join regional or thematic (“Healing,” “Centre and Leader Resilience,” and “Curriculum, Training, and Path”) hubs to experiment with applying this methodology to our current realities. Please note: though these exploratory conversations are taking place within the u.lab, this will not be the only forum the PT will propose for discussion about the future of Shambhala.
We also want to mention that it is not too late to join this free u.lab 1x training course. Enrollment is open through December 12th, hubs will continue thereafter, and materials will be archived and remain accessible. If you enroll late and would like assistance in joining a hub with other Shambhalians, please email [email protected]. Our hope is that some participants in u.lab 1x will continue in the spring u.lab 2x course and co-develop prototypes for social transformation that could be applied in Shambhala.
In other news, the Code of Conduct task force presented a ten-part draft of a new Shambhala Code of Conduct to the Shambhala Board on September 20th. Besides the core Code of Conduct document, the package included a child protection policy, a policy to address sexual misconduct, and an anti-discrimination policy. The task force is in discussion with the Board regarding how best to present the Code of Conduct to the Shambhala community and support conversations around it. While these discussions are underway, the current care and conduct policy is still in effect.
Other thematic PT Working Groups (WGs) continue their efforts, both within and outside Theory U. Full updates from the PT Working Groups can be found here.
A final request: We have heard that some people in the community do not know about the Process Team and our work, since not everyone is included in the Shambhala database. Thus, we ask that you please share this email and the PT website with your sangha.
With appreciation,