Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, holder of the Kagyü and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism, founded the Shambhala Buddhist lineage.
Born in Tibet in 1939, Trungpa Rinpoche was recognized at an early age as a tülku, or reincarnated teacher. He fled Tibet in 1959, and four years later went to Oxford University in England. From that time until his death in 1987, he worked tirelessly to bring the living teachings of meditation to the Western world, establishing several major practice centres, over one hundred meditation centres, and Naropa University.
Author of dozens of books, Trungpa Rinpoche is renowned today for his remarkable ability to present the highest essence of the teachings in a form accessible to the West.
For more biographical information, excerpts of his writings, examples of his art work, and photographs please visit the Chögyam Rinpoche section of the Shambhala International website.
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