Simon La Haye

Simon La Haye has been a student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche for over 35 years, and has been teaching on the Shambhala vision during that time.
He has always been involved in the administration of Shambhala, and more particularly was the director of Dechen Chöling for more than 10 years.
Since 2014 he is teaching full time. In particular he is interested on how we can bring the experience of meditation in our daily life.
He says:”I discovered Buddhism in Asia in the seventies. What seduced me, when I visited Laddack for example, beyond the philosophy and the practice, was that society expressed kindness and generosity: for me this was the expression of civilization much more that technological advance or materialism. This is what I found again in Shambhala.”
About meditation and practice he said:
“Holding on makes us uptight and serious, we want to control the world instead of letting it surprise and charm us. Meditation teaches us to be present to our experience rather than looking at what “could have been” or planning for the future. By just being, we can meet our inner nature. This gives us confidence to trust ourselves, to value our experience. By being, our life can become a joyful and appreciative exploration of our world.”