Liesbeth Scholten

Liesbeth Scholten is a poet and dancer. She lives in Amsterdam with her son. Liesbeth studied Innovation Science and worked for 15 years in Philips, a multinational company, on people-centred research and innovation. She got to travel the world and study people’s behaviours and mindsets, and to develop new solutions to people’s needs. Today she runs her own business , aimed at co-creating purposeful change.
Liesbeth first came into a Shambhala centre in 2006, and started Shambhala Training in 2009. She lives and loves this path of warriorship – to create enlightened society. She became a Shambhala Art teacher in 2015. To Liesbeth, Dharma Art is the language that can reveal deeper layers of insight and inspiration, beyond ordinary understanding. This is like magic that cannot be taught – but it can be discovered and experienced in the creative process.