Lama Brian Hilliard

Lama Brian Hilliard has been a dharma practitioner since 1978. He received the Vajrayogini and Chakrasamvara abhishekas from his root guru, the Mahasiddha Trungpa Rinpoche. He also studied Buddhist Psychology and Tibetan at Naropa. As predicted by Trungpa Rinpoche, the traditional three-year retreat was launched in 1990, and Lama Brian began the seven-year journey of traditional Kagyu practices, receiving abhishekas and oral instructions from the Buddha Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. Then he met the Buddha in person, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, great scholar and yogi. Whatever Trungpa did not elaborate, Khenpo Rinpoche completely elucidated as if Milarepa in person.
Lama Brian co-founded Casa Garuda in Umbria. He has taught extensively whatever threads of wisdom he has picked up from these great masters, including Mahamudra, Vajrayogini and the Six Dharmas of Naropa. Lama Brian is co-founder of Crystal Singing Bowls Europe, and has created The Power of Sound Healing trainings which uniquely infuse sound healing with profound dharma teachings. He currently resides in Brussels.
Upcoming Teaching at Dechen Chöling
Category | Programme | Date |
Diamond Sky Dancer – Vajrayogini Retreat |