Karin Hooijmans

Karin Hooijmans has a bachelor in Educational Studies and worked in the field of child and adults psychiatry, in particular with autistic children for many years. As a coach, she worked for people who got stuck in their work and organizational issues. She suffered from cancer in 1994 and worked – after her own recovery – with clients who suffered from cancer. Karin became a widow in 2000 and worked after that as a counselor for people who had lost a loved one. The last 10 years she has been working in a Crisis Centre in Rotterdam as a mental health care taker for clients in psychiatric and psyco-social crisis. Karin has been a Kyudo practitioner since 2006. She entered Shambhala in 2009 as a member of the Rotterdam Shambhala Center. She is a Co-teacher in training since 2016.