This summer has looked a little different from a usual summer at Dechen Choling but we have been very fortunate to host two programmes during August.
It has been wonderful to feel the land come alive with the energy of practice and a joy to host guests after many quiet months.
August began with a French meditation retreat in two parts which ran for almost three weeks. Around thirty participants have joined us to practice meditation, do early morning Lujong practice outside, take part in talks and discussions, and enjoy nature.
We also hosted a Kyudo gathering where practitioners joined together for a week of self organised practice. Having the Kyudo group on land really made Dechen Chöling bring the outdoor space alive and a Kami Tree Ceremony meant we could enjoy a gathering of participants, staff and neighbours to celebrate together and invite the Dralas.
We have, of course, many protocols to follow in terms of accommodation, hygiene, food service and mask wearing but this has in no way been an obstacle to the magic that happens here at Dechen Chöling when people come together to practice.