Home / Community Life / Shambhala Day 2019

This article is a repost of the December 27 emailing sent by the Shambhala Interim Board to the global community regarding Shambhala Day 2019.

Dear Shambhala Friends,

By now, you will have received a communication asking you to “save the date” for Shambhala Day: Year of the Earth Boar on February 5, 2019. Now more than ever, it feels important for us to gather as a community and in support of one another in a way that is genuine, earthy, and real. It is our hope that the Shambhala Day live broadcast in February will convey this feeling.

It is also important during this time for us to relate straightforwardly and honestly with the financial situation that our community is facing. The Interim Board had our first in-person gathering in Halifax from December 5 – 9, where we took a deep look into how to move forward to create a stable and strong organization financially. A brief finance update that outlines our plans for 2019 and going forward can be viewed here.  

This plan is only possible if people continue to give generously during Shambhala New Year 2019 to support our community and Shambhala Global Services, which is the thread that binds together all the activity of centers, groups, and members across the mandala.

Please click here to read a comprehensive overview of Shambhala Global Services (SGS).

As we have been having conversation with leaders in recent weeks, we have learned that more communication is needed to help leaders and members understand about the critical support SGS provides to the local operations of centers and groups. Shambhala Global Services is the beating heart of our community. It is what provides all the critical infrastructure, services, and resources that make it possible for centers and groups worldwide to operate. And as Shambhala Day is our only global, community fundraiser each year, we will be relying on this crucial income to support Shambhala Global Services and our financial plan for 2019.

As an Interim Board, we are digging deep and in ways we did not think were possible to offer the full extent of our energy, resources, and commitment in support of the Shambhala community. And we have also each made a personal decision to give as generously as we can through a recurring monthly donation in support of Shambhala.

We are inviting you to join us on this journey of re-committing to the Shambhala community and teachings and to give generously during Shambhala New Year 2019:

  • When you receive an email asking you to donate, please think about what is needed at this time and consider making a generous gift.
  • Please also consider becoming a patron and walking that path of generosity. You can contact Development Director Faradee Rudy at fa[email protected] directly if this is something that is of interest to you at this time.
  • And please give as generously as you can at your local Center or Group’s Shambhala Day fundraiser this year. All funds raised will support the Shambhala community and Center and Members Services, as coordinated by Shambhala Global Services – which provides all the critical infrastructure, support, and resources on which Centers, Groups and members rely. Every gift helps, no matter how large or small.

While we are an all too human community and working with all that this implies, what we have to offer the world has deep meaning and value, and we are making a promise that we will do everything we can to safeguard this and set the Shambhala ship on a good financial course. We hope you can join us in this journey and help us steer into clear and steady waters. We believe the Shambhala community and teachings can be of real help to a troubled, polarized – and yet still basically good – world.

With deep appreciation for how much you already offer to this community and the world, and wishes for a truly wonderful holiday season.

Our warmest regards,

The Shambhala Interim Board

Veronika Bauer
Martina Bouey
Mark Blumenfeld
John Cobb
Jennifer Crow
Sara Lewis
Susan Ryan
Paulina Varas

Practical Details About Shambhala Day:

The official live broadcast will be from Halifax, Canada on February 5 and will begin at:

10:00 a.m. Pacific Time

11:00 a.m. Mountain Time

12:00 p.m. Central Time

1:00 p.m. Eastern Time

2:00 p.m. Atlantic Time

7:00 p.m. Central European Time

The program and speakers are to be confirmed.  A registration link will be available soon.

All Shambhalians are encouraged, where possible, to host their celebrations on the actual day of Shambhala Day and to also save the dates of February 9 and 10 for further Shambhala New Year celebrations. These types of activities could include:

  • Practice opportunities which could include Sadhana of Mahamudra, Shambhala Sadhana, Werma Sadhana, or open sitting with readings.  A feast component can be added to any of these practices.  More information will be offered soon.
  • Community dinners at homes or in a local restaurant
  • An all-ages dance, performance event or social event  at your Centre
  • An outing for your community to a museum, concert, civic event or nature walk
  • Activities for children
  • Volunteer activities that support your local community

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