Tibetan Buddhists believe that serious illnesses such as cancer can be a warning sign. If we take seriously certain deeper aspects of our being, such as our spiritual life, and radically change the direction of our lives, there is a very real hope of healing our entire being.

During this retreat we will explore the path to healing from a spiritual and emotional perspective, based on Alain’s experience of healing from terminal cancer. Can we help our own healing with our spirit? What are the different approaches and how can we understand them? Four main themes will be addressed on the subject of healing:

  • Our fundamental nature; source of healing
  • Meditation: a practice for healing our being
  • Discovering love within ourselves, accepting and reconciling with ourselves
  • Visualising and invoking to heal our being

Practices such as meditation, compassion and visualisation can help unlock the transformative potential of illness, allowing our bodies and minds to best assimilate the treatments needed to heal ourselves.

This approach takes a holistic view of healing all suffering, physical, mental and emotional. It looks at healing from the point of view of our entire being, and not just from the point of view of the body. Whether the body dies or not, it is possible to have a profound experience of healing and thus be better prepared for death.

IMPORTANT – In the event of serious illness, the Tibetan masters advise using the spiritual approach in conjunction with appropriate medical treatment.

We are making this retreat available online, in order for all individuals, of all capacities and ability to travel, to participate in this program.

If you would like to attend this programme online  please register here.

Practical details

Arrival day: Friday September 5. You’re invited to come from 4 pm in order to register and settle in your room. Dinner is served at 6.30 pm. Orientation talk at 8 pm. 

End of program: Tuesday September 9. Closing and banquet in the evening.

Departure day: Wednesday September 10. You may leave anytime (no program). You are welcome to stay for lunch.

This programme will be taught in French. Translation to English is available on request. If you require interpretation, please submit your request at least two months ahead of the programme.

Programme price

Regular240 €
Patron348 €Help support lower income participants
Early Bird204 €Expires 5 June 2025
Under 30 years of age120 €

If you require financial assistance to attend this programme please contact [email protected].

Accommodation and food

Full board60 €/ night *

* includes standard accommodation and all meals.

Price information

  • Regular: this is the regular price for participating in the programme. Occasionaly (if specified in the programme description), there may be an additional fee for materials, to be paid upon arrival.
  • Patron: for those who can offer more than the regular price, your generosity in paying the Patron Price helps cover the costs for others who are not able to pay the full programme price and provides support to Dechen Chöling.
  • Early Bird: 15% discount on the regular programme price is possible only if you register and pay the total cost of your stay upfront, 3 months prior to the start of the programme, i.e. before 5 June 2025.
  • Under 30 years of age: 50% reduction on the regular programme price for persons under 30 years at the start of the programme.

Accommodation: the standard accommodation we provide is in a dormitory for the winter and a furnished two-person tent in the summer. Extra fees for room upgrades can be paid upon arrival. Additionally, room tax will be charged at 0.22 € per person, per night.

See the full price list

Note: participation in any programme offered by the association of Dechen Chöling requires you to be up-to-date with the association’s annual fee (15 €), which can be settled upon arrival.