Experiencing how we can join body, speech and mind, mindfulness and awareness-in action, we can gain further confidence in our natural ability to extend ourselves to others and the world around us, with all its uncertainties, challenges, beauty and brilliance.

In this program we will deeply and experientially explore the view, practice and action of the root teachings on protectorship, the earthy, practical wisdom of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s original Dorje Kasung practice instructions. This will be an opportunity to engage with the teachings on protectors, mahakalas, dralas and protector practice in our daily lives – “Meditation and compassion in action”.

Our central focus will be on exploring how we can manifest and apply these instructions in our relations, interactions, daily life activities and our responsibilities in work and in caring for our communities – learning by doing.

This gathering is intended for all committed practitioners of the Shambhala and Buddha Dharma path, for protector practice warriors, Sun Camp veterans, as well as Dorje Kasung of all seasons in short, for anyone with the heart desire to help this world.

Meet Your Teachers:

Lennart Krogoll

A dedicated Buddhist practitioner since 1980, Lennart brings his extensive experience as former Dorje Kasung Sergeant Major and UN peacekeeping expertise to keep these vital teachings relevant for our times.

Laura Puts

With a background in humanitarian work and deep connections to Dorje Kasungship, Laura serves as the Director of Dechen Chöling since 2024

Practical information

Arrival day (Saturday February 22): You’re invited to come from 4 pm in order to register and settle in your room. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm. Intro talk at 8 pm. 
End of programme (Saturday March 1): Closing circle and banquet in the evening.
Departure day (Sunday March 2): You may leave anytime (no programme). You’re welcome to stay for breakfast.

This programme is taught in English. Requests for translation must be confirmed at least two months ahead (please indicate your request for translation on the registration page).