For nearly two decades teaching Buddhism in the West, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche presented the Buddha’s three-yana teachings in its fullest sense, beginning with a dynamic Vajrayana approach to the Hinayana. Through the foundational teachings of the Hinayana, this retreat will explore how our everyday experiences can serve as the basis for either confusion and suffering, or insight and freedom. 

Topics to be explored include: 

  • The foundations of mindfulness and awareness as the basic heart of the Buddhist approach
  • The analytical and meditative practice of vipashyana
  • The Buddhist path and the meaning of refuge

Retreat days will include sitting, walking and other kinds of meditation practice; augmented by study, and mindfulness practices in a daily, community setting.

Who is it for?

This program is open to all. Whether you are a seasoned meditator, a practitioner on the Shambhala path looking to better understand our Buddhist roots, or are new to the study and practice of meditation, all are welcome. If you are on the Shambhala Meditation Instructor or Teacher Path, this program is strongly recommended.

Dechen Chöling offers financial assistance to those who request it. Please contact: [email protected] 

For those who wish to also attend the program immediately following “Celebration of the Shamabhala Terma”, the program fee of 500 € for that program will be waived.

Practical details

Arrival day: Saturday July 5. You’re invited to come from 4 pm in order to register and settle in your room. Dinner is served at 6.30 pm. Orientation talk at 8 pm. 

End of program: Friday July 11. Closing and banquet in the evening.

Departure day: Saturday July 12. You may leave anytime (no program). You are welcome to stay for lunch.

This programme will be taught in English. Translation to French is available. If you require interpretation in other languages, please submit your request at least two months ahead of the programme.

Programme price

Regular300 €
Patron408 €Help support lower income participants

If you require financial assistance to attend this programme please contact [email protected].

Accommodation and food

Full board60 €/ night *

* includes standard accommodation and all meals.

Price information

  • Regular: this is the regular price for participating in the programme. Occasionaly (if specified in the programme description), there may be an additional fee for materials, to be paid upon arrival.
  • Patron: for those who can offer more than the regular price, your generosity in paying the Patron Price helps cover the costs for others who are not able to pay the full programme price and provides support to Dechen Chöling.

Accommodation: the standard accommodation we provide is in a dormitory for the winter and a furnished two-person tent in the summer. Extra fees for room upgrades can be paid upon arrival. Additionally, room tax will be charged at 0.22 € per person, per night.

See the full price list

Note: participation in any programme offered by the association of Dechen Chöling requires you to be up-to-date with the association’s annual fee (15 €), which can be settled upon arrival.