Dear Shambhala Friends,
We hope you are well and able to continue practicing. We wanted to let you know about opportunities to join group practice sessions via Zoom.
We look forward to seeing you!
Friday, June 5th– Full Moon
Shambhala Sadhana 17:00 – 18:00, followed by closing chants 18:00h. People are invited to be prepared for a festive gathering after closing chants have a drink and snack & chat.
Sunday, June 21st – New Moon:
Celebrated with The Sadhana of Mahamudra 17:00 – 18:00, followed by closing chants 18:00.
Lhasangs on Wednesdays 08:15
Maitri Bhavana on Thursdays 17:15
Half Nynthun on Sundays08:00 – 11:00
Morning chants & practice 8:00and evening chants 18:00
Vajrayana Events
Monday, June 1st
Padmasambhava feast Monday 18:00
Monday, June 29th
Werma Feast 18:00
Kurukulla Fridays 16:30
Ngondro contact [email protected] for details