Home / Online Boutique

Dear Friends,


I hope you’re all staying safe and well and finding time to practice.

As you know, Dechen Chöling is closed and that includes the Boutique, which is eerily silent without the sound of the coffee machine and the usual dharma chats that fill the air at this time of year.

I’m writing today to offer you two great opportunities: purchase dharma books and practice materials online and, at the same time, support Dechen Chöling.

I feel that now is an important time to practice and study and it genuinely saddens me to not be able to do my job of helping everyone who visits access Shambhala teachings through the shelves of the boutique. I have learned a lot from many of you in our discussions about studies, and books you have recommended to me, and the practice experiences we have shared. Most of all, I have learned that running the boutique at Dechen Chöling is about much more than selling souvenirs. It’s about sharing the dharma, making connections and providing space. I hope that we can do that again soon.

In the meantime though, how will the online shop work?

  • Check out photos and prices of books and practice materials here on our website. Not everything will be there but you may know exactly what you want (a specific practice text or sadhana cover for example)
  • Email me and tell me what you would like (include your postal address)
  • I’ll confirm I have the item(s) and give you the details for bank transfer payment)
  • We will send it to you (it may take a little longer than usual)
  • Postage will be as indicated below (for packages over 5kg, we can calculate and send you details):


Weight France Rest of Europe
500g and below 6,50 12,60
500g – 1kg 8,00 15,50
1kg – 2kg 9,00 17,60
2kg – 5kg 14,00 22,50
3kg – 4 kg 14,00 22,50
4kg – 5kg 14,00 22,50


I look forward to connecting with you and hope to see you here again sometime soon.

Sending love from the Boutique and from the Dharma Land of Great Bliss
