This article is a resumption of the emailing sent on August 18 by the Shambhala Transition Task Force to the global community of Shambhala members.
Dear Worldwide Shambhala Community,
We acknowledge the groundlessness that the community continues to face and the need for ongoing space and healing. At the same time, we also perceive that we are, as a community, turning a corner toward action. One member of our group noted feeling that this is a time of both danger and opportunity. As we remember what is at the heart of Shambhala — bravery, gentleness, and intelligence — we are moving forward with care and the confidence that a good outcome is possible.
Thank you for your responses to our first letter. We are considering your feedback, questions, and suggestions. We hear you, and will continue to listen, although we will not be able to respond to your emails individually.
We have met five times as a whole group, and several times in subgroups. Summary notes of our full group meetings are posted on our website. As we continue our work as the Transition Task Force, we would like to reiterate that we are not responsible for any financial or governance decisions for Shambhala. We are not the “new” Kalapa Council, we are not a leadership body, and we are not responsible for creating governance structures.
We are writing to share more detailed descriptions of the one-year Interim Board and Process Team, and the qualifications and criteria for nominees and applicants for these two key groups. Finding the members of the Interim Board and Process Team will be a live, dynamic process, which we invite you to participate in. With this in mind, we invite everyone interested within the Shambhala world-wide community to participate by applying, if you are qualified, or nominating someone you feel would be good for each of these two groups. You are also invited to offer to be an advisor to either of these groups. Use the Nomination Survey links below for either the Interim Board or the Process Team to submit your name as a potential advisor.
We aspire to select and appoint people who will foster:
- Shambhala as an international and diverse community
- Financial transparency
- Fiscal discipline and responsibility
- Leadership accountability
- Ongoing systems for broad community involvement and communication
- Global awareness
- Interdependency between the center and fringe of the mandala
- Transparency, inclusivity, equity, and diversity in leadership and policies and procedures
In recruiting the most qualified and appropriate nominees and applicants to serve on the Interim Board and the Process Team, the Transition Task Force is committed to:
- Worldwide geographical representation
- Diversity (eg. gender, gender identity, race, nationality, cultural, age, physical ability, socio-economic status) among those selected
- A mix of ages and generations
- Inviting former Shambhalians who are committed to the vision of Shambhala to apply
- Considering non-Shambhalians, particularly those from institutions that share a strong resonance with the Shambhala view
Overall Qualities for Interim Board and Process Team Members
- A commitment to the integrity of the Shambhala lineage.
- Congruence with the Shambhala teachings and vision of enlightened society.
- Ability and willingness to listen.
- Open-minded without bias or fixed agenda; willingness and ability to make space for things to emerge from the community.
- Ability to collaborate with others (team player).
- Ability to be innovative and not afraid to mix and match ideas from different systems and processes.
- Entrepreneurial spirit, willingness to experiment.
The Interim Board will be acting as the Shambhala Board of Directors for one year. The powers and duties of the Board are defined in the bylaws of the non-profit organizations, Shambhala USA and Shambhala Canada. The stated purpose of Shambhala in the bylaws is to further the vision and propagate the teachings of the Kongma Sakyongs of Shambhala. (Shambhala Europe has the same stated purpose.) The Interim Board will hold the fiduciary and legal responsibilities for Shambhala USA and Shambhala Canada, previously held by the Kalapa Council; in other words, it will be legally required to act in good faith in furthering the stated purpose of the Shambhala organization. It will be the legal governing body for these non-profit organizations for one year.
The Interim Board is ultimately responsible for all global services and activities of Shambhala, with an emphasis on finance and budget approval. The Board will relate with those people currently holding executive and management functions for Shambhala, for example, those in finance, practice and education, leadership, culture and decorum, and social engagement. Representatives in these areas will advise the Board with regard to sangha-wide activities of Shambhala.The Board also will make or delegate decisions about hiring, compensation, and termination of employees of Shambhala USA and Shambhala Canada. Members of the Interim Board will be volunteers and part-time.
Shambhala Europe is a German GMBH (corporation) and a subsidiary of Shambhala USA, managed by its own interim Managing Directors and Board. Because Europe is a subsidiary of Shambhala USA, the Transition Task Force aspires to appoint appropriate representation from Europe, not only for the Process Team but also to be on the Interim Board.
Although the Interim Board will have full authority over the legal organizations of Shambhala, their mandate will be to maintain the health of these organizations, and to not make any major changes or decisions while the Process Team does their work.
Ideally, nominees and applicants will have expertise in at least one of the following categories: corporate governance, board membership (profit or non-profit), non-profit management, finance, history of good financial and legal decisions, financial statements, budgets, real estate, human resources, law, and a history of successful collaborative accomplishments.
Working in tandem with the Interim Board, the Process Team will be responsible for a process to engage the community in healing, culture change and designing and implementing an ongoing participatory governance structure that is appropriate and relevant. The Process Team will comprise a broad range of individuals skilled in process, governance, and facilitation methodologies.
The Process Team will listen to the community, receive feedback, and oversee the deeper and longer process for healing and inviting a new approach to community involvement in Shambhala leadership.
Expertise or experience in at least one of the following areas:
- organizational culture change
- organizational change management
- governance models
- design thinking
- community/social engagement
- communications
- process consultation
- group facilitation
- transformative justice
- diversity and inclusion training or lived experience
- global systems change
- individual/collective trauma and healing
Above are the preliminary qualifications for nominees and applicants. Next week, we will send you final qualifications, more information about the process, and timelines. For now, please use the above definitions and initial qualifications when considering your own application or recommendations for nominees. Please confirm the interest of any nominee you recommend before making your recommendation.
If you are interested in being an applicant or are suggesting a nominee, please note the following steps: For those who are interested in being considered for or making recommendations for the Interim Board or Process Team and who meet the above initial qualifications, please fill out a short survey for INTERIM BOARD NOMINATIONS and PROCESS TEAM NOMINATIONS. In each survey there is a place to indicate interest in serving as an advisor for either.
The Transition Task Force will keep you informed of our ongoing work, discussions, and developments, on our website at https://www.shambhala-transition.org, You can contact us at [email protected]
The Transitional Task Force will
- Review all emails sent to us. If requests and suggestions fall within our mandate, we will assess how we can address them and/or incorporate them.
- Publish notes from our weekly meetings, available on our website.
- Be transparent and seek community input regarding potential Interim Board and Process Team members.
- Develop and share methods with the community for receiving input about and recommendations for Interim Board and Process Team nominees and applicants.
- Receive recommendations of interested nominees.
- Receive applications from interested individuals.
- Review applications.
- Interview potential candidates.
- Make final appointments of Interim Board and Process Team members.
Please note that translations of this letter and our communications to the community are happening as quickly as possible. International participation in this process is important to us. In addition, if you would like to learn more about the Transitional Task Force members, please visit our website.
We hope that our work will benefit the Shambhala lineage and community worldwide. The time to make these appointments is brief. The Transition Task Force wishes to honor the process and we are working to meet our six-week deadline; however it is possible we may need to extend it. We will keep you informed.
Please help us find the best candidates so that the appointments can be made with confidence, and the members of the Interim Board and Process Team will serve with vision, expertise, and humanity.
Transition Task Force of Shambhala
Ani Pema Chödrön, Acharya
Arawana Hayashi, Acharya
Charlene Leung, Acharya
Suzann Duquette, Acharya
Katrin Stelzel, Treasury Council Europe, Member
Andrew Sacamano, Kasung Shastri
Sharon Owyang, Regional Director
Basia Solarz (facilitator)
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