This article is a resumption of the August 3 emailing sent by the Kalapa Council to the global community of Shambhala members.
Dear Community,
We are writing to keep you updated as the leadership transition continues and the Kalapa Council phases out of our legal and fiduciary roles for Shambhala.
Community Care Website
The Community Care website has been redesigned to more clearly explain the resources available to our community during this time, including:
- Translations of all 2018 e-mail communications into several languages.
- Instructions for reporting incidents of harm, and explanations of the various channels for reporting.
- Description of the leadership transition and timeline of current and next steps.
- Description and further details about third-party organizations including the independent investigator and An Olive Branch.
Please click here to access the resource page. You do not need to be logged into a member account to view this page.
Leadership Transition
Earlier this week, the Kalapa Council announced the Transition Task Force and plans for phasing out of our legal and fiduciary roles for Shambhala. Please click here to read that communication.
Within the next two weeks, the new Transition Task Force will be writing to you directly to introduce themselves and further explain their scope of work in further detail.
Budget Cuts
The Kalapa Council approved a series of budget cuts to address Shambhala’s current financial situation. In total, operating expenses have been reduced by 30%. These reductions include personnel cuts to Shambhala Central Services and the Kalapa Court. The cuts will be described in further detail in the upcoming August 15 financial report.
As always, you can continue to contact the outgoing Kalapa Council to share feedback, ideas and concerns at [email protected].
The Outgoing Kalapa Council
Josh Silberstein, Chair
Jane Arthur
David Brown
Wendy Friedman
Jesse Grimes
Mitchell Levy
Adam Lobel
Robert Reichner
Christoph Schönherr