I came to Dechen Choling for the first time at the end of 2016. After working for several years in the building industry. I was unemployed and trying to figure out what to do with myself. I had construction skills but was not clear about what purpose I wanted them use them for. It was a friend who told me about the opportunities here, including the Meditation in Action programme (‘MIA’). I was particularly attracted to the garden project, and to possibility of learning the principles of permaculture.
I’ve gained a lot from my first few months here: new friends and a spiritual direction. I feel as if I have developed a level of emotional stability which has always been missing, and a real opening of my soul. Being in this place is like travelling across the world, but without moving. I am beginning to feel at home in my self and I would like to continue to get even more involved with this way of life. I decided to experiment with the Kasung practice (see photo below) which involves protecting the community, both the people and the physical environment. It’s demanding, but I love it.
When I talk to my friends, I tell them that working with other people to change the world is an incredible experience. Not to mention the tranquility and beauty of the place. Dechen Choling is perfect place to regroup and to reengage with everyday life with more serenity and being here is an unforgettable experience.
Elouan, France, 29