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  • Leadership Transition Announcement

    Leadership Transition Announcement

    This article is a resumption of the July 30 emailing sent by the Kalapa Council to the global community of Shambhala members. Dear Shambhala Community, We are writing to announce […]

  • Commitment to Financial Transparency

    Commitment to Financial Transparency

    This article is a resumption of the July 18 emailing sent by the Shambhala Director of Finance to the global community of Shambhala members. Dear friends, Shambhala is fully committed […]

  • Presentation of ‘An Olive Branch’ Services

    Presentation of ‘An Olive Branch’ Services

    Shambhala’s Kalapa Council has engaged the services of ‘An Olive Branch’ to support the sangha’s healing and reconciliation in the wake of complaints raised about ethical misconduct on the part […]

  • Claim of sexual misconduct : how to proceed ?

    Claim of sexual misconduct : how to proceed ?

    Following the public release, on June 26, 2018, of claims of sexual misconduct within the Shambhala community (Buddhist Project Sunshine Phase 2 Report), Shambhala has contracted Wickwire Holm, a full-service […]

  • Investigation on sexual misconduct

    Investigation on sexual misconduct

    For some months now, in the context of the Buddhist Project Sunshine, allegations of sexual misconduct have been brought against some individuals in Shambhala including, most recently, our main teacher, […]

  • Dechen Choling, France,  may 2003

(c) 2003 by Christoph Schoenherr, christoph.schoenherr@gmx.net

    A Letter from the Women Acharyas

    This article is a resumption of the emailing sent on July 8 by the Woman Acharyas of Shambhala to the global community of Shambhala members. Dear Noble Sangha, The women […]