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  • Update and Investigation Information

    Update and Investigation Information

    This article is a resumption of the August 11 emailing sent by the Kalapa Council to the global community of Shambhala members Dear Community, We have received questions from the […]

  • Karsten’s drawings at Dechen Chöling

    Karsten’s drawings at Dechen Chöling

    Here are some drawings made by Karsten Götz at Dechen Chöling during the recent Family Camp and that he wished to share. With all his thanks and greetings from Germany […]

  • Compassion and Gardening

    Compassion and Gardening

    Sometimes I struggle to feel compassion for another human individual or humanity in general. I cannot always connect easily to my compassionate nature. I feel stuck in a flow of […]

  • Preview from the Transition Task Force

    Preview from the Transition Task Force

    This article is a resumption of the first emailing sent by the Shambhala Transition Task Force to the global community of Shambhala members on August 7. Dear Shambhala Community, The […]

  • Kalapa Council Community Update

    Kalapa Council Community Update

    This article is a resumption of the August 3 emailing sent by the Kalapa Council to the global community of Shambhala members. Dear Community, We are writing to keep you […]

  • Sunshine Phase 3 report announced

    Sunshine Phase 3 report announced

    The online magazine ‘The Coast Halifax’s website’ published on August 2 an article on the Sakyong Mipham, in which the release of a phase 3 report of Project Sunshine is […]