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  • Response to Kusung Letter

    Response to Kusung Letter

    This article is a repost of the Februray 18 emailing sent by the Shambhala Interim Board to the global community. Dear Shambhala Community, It is from a place of great […]

  • A message from the Sakyong

    A message from the Sakyong

    This article is a repost of the Februray 4 message sent by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche to the global community. To the Shambhala Community, As I prepare to travel and enter […]

  • Happy Shambhala Day!

    Happy Shambhala Day!

    May everyone in 2019 be able to manifest the qualities of the Female Earth Pig for the best of ourselves, our community and the world! In this, the last year […]

  • Wickwire Holm Report

    Wickwire Holm Report

    This article is a repost of the Februray 3 emailing sent by the Shambhala Interim Board to the global community. Dear Shambhala Sangha, The Interim Board has received the investigative […]

  • Finance Update from the Interim Board

    Finance Update from the Interim Board

    This article is a repost of the Februray 1 emailing sent by the Shambhala Interim Board to the global community. Dear Shambhala Community, The Interim Board has been working on […]

  • Final Message from the Transition Task Force

    Final Message from the Transition Task Force

    This article is a repost of the January 27 emailing sent by the Transition task force (TTF) to the global community. Dear Worldwide Noble Sangha, It is with full hearts […]