Home / Dharma / A message from Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

To the Noble Shambhala Community,

I write to you today with an open and tender heart. We are going through a period of deep reflection as well as pain, confusion, and hurt. This deep reflection is possible because of the bravery and courage of individuals who have experienced harm or alienation within our community. It has brought to light how we still have much healing to do and how we still have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us in creating a more just, understanding, sensitive, and strong community, where we all feel respected, heard, safe, and dignified.

We all need to reflect on how our own actions might have harmed others, and how we might better conduct ourselves, now and in the future, so we can fully participate in maturing our community.  We are so fortunate to have the teachings of Shambhala warriorship. Now we must embody and manifest them – personally, interpersonally, and socially. The future of our community depends on conducting ourselves according to the principles we hold so dear.

I have personally been contemplating kindness, and I feel it is time for our community to genuinely work with it as a direct method of addressing deep social issues. I encourage you all to participate in any way you can, even beginning with just a short contemplation on how to be kinder. While it may seem simplistic, it will take all of us touching our own kindness in order to create a strong, caring, and thriving community.

In the past, our community has worked with difficult issues, leading to deeper understanding and harmony. Can we really hear others, even when it is difficult, and remain in a space of kindness and open-heartedness? In order to go forward, we need to mix our humanness with our deep wisdom. Kindness is the way to accomplish this.

It is my wish for you to know that I am committed to engaging in this important work with you. I encourage you to engage in the principles of warriorship personally and to inspire others to do the same. May we continue to work together on this journey of community, bravery, deep listening, and especially kindness.

Yours with a heart of kindness,

The Sakyong

In April, the Sakyong will offer further teachings to the Shambhala community on topics of harm and healing.


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Announcement by Kalapa Central Services – March 22, 2018