Home / A good start into the season

Our season has started recently with 3 small but excellent programmes including Maitri – 5 wisdom energies a Zen Sesshin and a Shambhala Path programme.

Maitri 5 Wisdoms @ Dechen Chöling

Tessa Racine, buddhist and Shambhala teacher, led the Maitri programme on the 5 Wisdom Energies, a teaching from Tibetan Buddhism that helps us understand our personality, emotions, and relationships with others and the world. 

The experience of the 5 wisdoms is done through postures and an environment colored in blue, yellow, red, green or white. Creative and physical exercises familiarise the participants with the five colors of energy. They all came out,with a feeling of freedom, freshness and youthfulness.


We recorded the introduction talk to which you can listen here ( only in french )


Zen Sesshin @ Dechen Chöling with Amy Hollowell

The Zen Sesshin retreat, a six days program, led by Roshi Amy Hollowell, provided a space for participants to explore Zen teachings and sitting and walking meditation practice. 

Amy described Zen as simple, radical, and subversive, urging participants to let go of their preconceived notions and dive deeply into the present moment. During the retreat, participants learned to cultivate stillness and awareness in their daily lives, which leads to greater peace and contentment.

We have a recorded talk by Amy which you can listen watch here ( french only )



The Shambhala Sacred Path  offers a structured path to awakening and personal transformation. Catherine Eveillard and Herb Elsky, senior teachers of the Shambhala path, led the program on “The Dralas and the 4 Dignities,” which explores what makes us a good Shambhala warrior.

The program introduces the vision of The Great Eastern Sun, in other words how to experience a real living presence in our own life. It all arises out of the practice of egolessness, or to put it simply, absence of aggression, gentleness. The experience of the Four Dignities, represents different stages of the development of confidence, non-ego and peaceful mind. 

The program is a profound journey in one’s own strength as well as neuroses that leaves participants feeling energised and transformed. After completing this program, participants are only one step away from attending the Warrior’s Assembly, which is a significant milestone in the Shambhala tradition.

Dralas & 4 Dignities @ Dechen Chöling 1 Dralas & 4 Dignities @ Dechen Chöling 1 Dralas & 4 Dignities @ Dechen Chöling 1


We invite you to explore our Programs page on our website and discover the transformative teachings and practices that await you at Dechen Chöling. Our experienced teachers offer a range of programs, from beginner-friendly introductions to advanced retreats, that are designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey.

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