Cet article est une reprise du courriel adressé le 22 décembre par la Task Force de Transition à la communauté globale de Shambhala à propos du Comité de pilotage de l’Équipe de processus. Traduction à venir.
Dear Noble Shambhala Community,
Thank you for your patience as we enter the final stages of seating a Process Team. We acknowledge that it has been over a month since we have been in touch with you.
During the month of November we continued to consult with organizational and culture change professionals from three continents. At the end of November, we were delighted to meet most of the 93 PT applicants in Zoom meetings. We appreciate the interest and enthusiasm for helping discover how we can move forward as a healthy and sustainable community. We appreciated meeting so many dedicated and skilled sangha members who want to help. And we are thankful for the time and energy applicants have already expended in working with the application process.The process for determining best steps to take for a PT have been challenging, and the collective wisdom we have received has been extremely helpful.
In reviewing the many approaches that could be taken to envision and appoint a Process Team, we have decided that the most helpful path will be first to appoint a PT Steering Committee. This will be a small group that will work with the other 80 or so members of the PT toward (1) developing regional and local representation and topic groups and (2) guiding meaningful inquiries, conversations, and action throughout the community toward a healthy, whole, and strong Shambhala.
The process of appointing the Steering Committee from among the PT applicants has already begun. We have asked all applicants who are interested to respond if they wished to be considered for the Steering Committee. Forty people replied and, based on the criteria we have announced, we have begun to interview 22 people as potential candidates. As to the criteria, we are looking for people who, as a team, can design processes for large-scale organizational change; understand and have different knowledge and skills in the overlapping topic areas; and magnetize and mobilize people and regions. In addition to considering area expertise, we will select Steering Committee members based on geographical diversity and leaders who are collaborators, good listeners, and enjoy working as a team. All Steering Committee members will need to be committed to the basic goodness of all sentient beings, the Shambhala vision, and its teachings. Many of the applicants have professional experience and, based on the information they submitted or shared on Zoom, we have chosen the candidates to interview. We are looking toward seating the Process Team Steering Committee by mid-January.
Thank you for your questions, reflections, interest, and support. May the creation and unfolding of the Process Team be blessed by the dralas and supported by the Shambhala community.
The Transition Task Force
Ani Pema Chödrön, Acharya
Arawana Hayashi, Acharya
Charlene Leung, Acharya
Suzann Duquette, Acharya
Katrin Stelzel, Treasury Council Europe, Member
Andrew Sacamano, Kasung Shastri
Sharon Owyang, Regional Director
Basia Solarz (facilitator)
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